Student Accommodation

It is now no longer possible to reserve student accommodation!

We can offer student accommodation for 1500 NOK (about 170 EUR) for the whole week. Of course this does not include breakfast, etc., and you are living in flats with several rooms sharing a kitchen and bathroom, located in "Sogn Studentby". Hotels in Oslo are expensive, so if you have a tight budget this might be the thing for you. To make use of this offer, you have to

  • Say so during the registration (either via Epay or via mail, see the registration page)
  • send a mail saying you would like student accommodation to Espen Lian, elian (at), and say from when to when you will need it
  • do this not later than Sunday, 7 June

NEW: the price of 1500NOK is actually for two weeks, the week of the conference and the one before that. The room is available from Monday, 29 June to Sunday, 12 July. It is also possible to book an extra week after the conference, but for an additional 875 NOK. Please let us know if you're interested!

Page last modified on June 10, 2009, at 11:46 AM